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The Regent 麗晶酒店- A four season hotel
The Regent Hong Kong
Lobby Lounge
Lai Ching Heen
The Steak House Bar & Grill
地址:18, Salisbury Road, Kln
電話:27211211, 27394546
Millennium Fun Food Facts It was the party to end all parties. The Regent Hong Kong's " One Party, Two Centuries" Welcomed in the new Millennium with a bang. Over 3,100 guests dined on 6,000 Pacific oysters, 1,500 Boston lobsters, 300 sides of smoked salmon, 200 kilograms of king prawns, 300 fishm, 250 Peking ducks, half a tonne of imported US prime beef and 120 gallons of ice cream! During the gala, party-goers celebrated with 3,400 bottles of champagne, 4,000 bottles of wine and 8,000 bottles of beer and used 8,880 glasses. .

麗晶酒店的「兩個世紀, 一個派對」跨世紀大派對已曲終人散, 但仍令人回味不已! 逾三千一百名賓客共享用了六千隻肥美的生蠔, 一千五百隻生猛波士頓龍蝦, 三百條煙三文魚, 二百千克皇帝蝦, 三百尾魚, 二百五十隻北京填鴨, 半噸入口美國頂級生肉及一百二十加侖冰淇淋! 派對非常熱鬧, 賓客狂歡至一月一日凌晨, 喝盡了三千四百瓶上等香檳, 四|千瓶美酒及八千瓶啤,酒共使用了八千八百八十個杯子, 此外, 酒店還動用了近一噸冰塊作冰雕之用, 遑論雞尾酒所用的冰粒! "

New Chefs in the kitchen Joining us from Cobbler's Cove Hotel in Barbados, The Regent Hong Kong Welcomes Bernard Mayer as our new Executive Sous Chef. The German-born chef has worked for several Michelin-star restaurants in Europe prior to joining The Regent team as the right hand man to our Executive Chef, Christof Syre. Bernhard is responsible for the day-to-day kithcen operations of the hotel's five acclaimed restaurants; and his dynamic presence and extensive experience will undoubtedly add spice to The Regent's culinary team.
 Fresh from the Beau Rivage Gregoire Michaud, a Swiss native, comes to The Regent Hong Kong to head our pastry team. Trained at the Richmont School of Pastry in Sion, Switzerland, Gregoire previously held the post of Pastry Chef at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs. His innovative desserts ave tantalised the tastebuds of many famous folk, from Michael Jordan to former French president, Francois Mitterrand; Gregoire has created inspiring new desserts for all of our restaurants; and the Chocolate Cafe is already displaying his exciting new array of cakes!
 Chef Young Kai Man, our newly appointed Head Chef at Lai Ching Heen, has been with The Regent's acclaimed Cantonese restaurant since it first opened in 1984. Young has represented the hotel and Hong Kong at culinary festivals around the region, most recently in Japan and Singapore.

歡迎來自拉丁美洲巴巴多斯Cove酒店的Bernard Mayer加盟麗晶酒店,成為最新的助理行政總廚。Bernard在德國出生,曾於歐洲多間Michelin星級餐廳工作,最近加盟麗晶酒店,出任行政總廚Christof Syre的得力助手。Bernard負責酒店內五間馳名餐廳的廚房日常運作,憑著他豐富的經驗及積極的態度,肯定令麗晶酒店的餐膳隊伍如虎添翼。

 原籍瑞士的Gregoire Michaud在美國Biloxi的Beau Rivage酒店任職,現在加盟麗晶酒店,成為糕點部主管。Gregoire於瑞士Sion的Richmont糕點學校受訓,曾於科羅拉多Springs的Broadmoore酒店出任糕點部總廚。他巧手精緻的甜品,曾令不少大人物也讚不絕口,包括籃球星米高佐敦及前法國總統米特朗。Gregoire已為酒店所有餐廳設計了饒具創意的甜品,巧克力咖啡也為顧客呈獻各式各樣令人垂涎的糕點及糖果。


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